Home page News Press Releases DTEK increased coal production by 13% to 15.2 million tonnes for the last 8 months
DTEK increased coal production by 13% to 15.2 million tonnes for the last 8 months
Thermal power generation08 September 2017
In January-August 2017, DTEK's coal companies increased production of high-volatile steam coal by 13.2% to 15.2 mln tonnes compared to the same period last year. It will help meet the TPPs’ demand for domestic coal to the greatest extent possible to reduce Ukraine’s reliance on coal imports.

As part of the plan to reduce Ukraine’s dependence on anthracite coal supplies, DTEK decided that it would mostly burn Ukrainian coal for electricity generation. DTEK Pavlogradugol and DTEK Dobropolyeugol were given a task to quickly ramp up the production of G grade coal.

DTEK miners understand well the importance of domestic steam coal under the circumstances when Ukraine is no longer able to mine anthracite. After transfer of the TPPs’ units to burn G grade coal, Ukraine will face even more demand for domestic G grade coal. That is why DTEK’s miners try to be ahead of schedule with mining and tunnelling. DTEK’s teams do their best to expand the output of G grade coal to meet the demand of the energy sector.

“Our plan was developed to comprehensively address the issue of the national dependence on anthracite. An increase in production of G grade coal by DTEK’s mines contributes heavily to solving this problem. DTEK will ensure maximum supplies of domestic coal to TPPs during the entire winter season to minimise the needs for coal imports”, Mikhail Barabash, Coal Director of DTEK Energy, said.

Let us remind that in September 2017 DTEK started implementing a plan to reduce coal imports consisting of three main steps: step 1 envisages transfer of the units to burning high-volatile steam coal instead of anthracite; step 2 implies satisfying the TPPs’ demand with domestic coal, while step 3 involves upgrading the existing generating capacities for their efficient and failure-free operation.

To find out more about the main actions taken by DTEK to ensure reliable energy supply to Ukrainian consumers in the winter period, please visit the website