Home page News Press Releases We will have heat in the winter: power engineers of DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP are preparing a heating network for a new heating season
We will have heat in the winter: power engineers of DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP are preparing a heating network for a new heating season
Thermal power generation21 August 2020
We will have heat in the winter: power engineers of DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP are preparing a heating network for a new heating season

The power engineers of DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP are actively engaged in preparing the plant for operating during an autumn and winter season. They have already finished hydraulic tests of the heating network pipework to locate faulty sections in advance, perform repairs, and supply heat and hot water to Dobtotvir residents during a cold season.

DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP supplies heat and water to ten thousand residents of Dobrotvir and Staryi Dobrotvir. Power engineers traditionally carried out hydraulic tests of the pipework of heating networks and filled them with water to ensure high-quality and reliable supply of services in the autumn and winter period.

“We have already started preparations for the heating season. From August 14 to August 19, we carried out hydraulic tests of the heating network pipework. We checked the network strength and density. We found minor malfunctions and promptly eliminated them,” Oleh Tarashchuk, Director of DTEK Dobrotvirska TPP, stated. “Presently, all our efforts are aimed at ensuring that in winter, the residents of two villages have heat and water and the whole Ukraine has light. Thus, DTEK Energy and our power engineers in particular, are contributing to the country’s energy independence and nationwide preparation for a new heating season.”

It is difficult to predict what this winter will look like and what the load on the thermal power industry will be, but in any case, the power engineers of Dobrotvirska TPP are preparing for maximum loads. In the near future, the overhaul of unit 8 will begin. In addition, the enterprise continues to accumulate coal reserves in the warehouse. More than 130,000 tons are now stored here. This amount is sufficient for the plant’s stable operation for almost 2.5 months.