Home page News Press Releases Pit miners of Pavlograd Mine Group to receive two new combines
Pit miners of Pavlograd Mine Group to receive two new combines
Pit miners of Pavlograd Mine Group to receive two new combines

DTEK Energy continues acting in the interests of Ukraine and is supporting the production of Ukrainian coal at the mines of Western Donbas. The company purchased two “КПД”-23 tunnelling combines from Druzhkivka machine-building plant Corum for Pavlograd Mine Group. Equipment cost has amounted to more than UAH 31 mln. The crews of the No. 1 preparatory work site, led by Maksym Korotych, were entrusted to work on them.

Mykola Strugov’s team received a new combine instead of the EBZ-160, which helped the pit miners to prepare more than 5 km of underground tunnels in four years. In March, the miners have already mastered the obtained “КПД”-23 and passed 110 route meters of underground works with it.

“For us, new equipment is an important event and a good sign. If the company invests money into purchasing of the equipment, it means that our coal is in demand by Ukrainian energy industry, — said Mykola Strugov, Foreman of No. 1 preparatory works site, DTEK Pavlograd Mine Group. — My guys have quickly assembled the machine in the mine and are already using it to prepare the 212th assembled drift. We know “КПД”-23 from the experience of the squad of Valery Shvets, which also works at our site. The colleagues received this combine a year ago and managed to go more than 1.8 ths. route meters with it.”

Igor Gamiy’s team started working on another new combine. Prior to that, the team worked on the “КСП”-32 combine for almost a decade. The miners have gone about 20 km on it and have prepared some 22 mining pits.

“The new combine is better than what we used to have. It goes easier and is more flexible, — said Igor Gamiy, Foreman of the pit miners of No. 1 preparatory works section, DTEK Pavlograd Mine Group. - With the help of this equipment, our team has already started laying the first route meters. And we are determined to work on it further with good results. So that Ukrainian power plants were stably supplied with fuel, and our families felt confidence in the future.”

During the year, the company procured the “КПД”-23 tunnelling combines to four brigades of Pavlograd Mine Group.