Home page News Press Releases The Community of Ladyzhyn Continues to Retrofit the Outdoor Lighting System with DTEK’s Financial Support
The Community of Ladyzhyn Continues to Retrofit the Outdoor Lighting System with DTEK’s Financial Support
Thermal power generation19 January 2018
In 2017, residents of 4 high-rise buildings have decided to add convenience to their homes and installed a modern lighting system in the entrance halls of their houses. DTEK has helped to implement these projects. At the beginning of December 2017, a smart lighting system has been installed in houses No. 25 and 55. The project for lighting of houses No. 79 and 64 was the final chord in 2017.

So, residents of house No. 79 have decided not only to save on the lighting of the adjacent area but also to retain the heat. Using the grant money from DTEK within competition “Handmade Community”, 5 entrance doors have been replaced, and modern LED lighting with light relay in front of 8 entrance halls has been installed. In general, all 480 residents of the house have benefited from the completed project.

Project manager Oksana Makukh is satisfied with the changes and makes plans to participate in the competition “Handmade Community 2018” – the surface subsides in front of the house for unknown reasons, which causes cracks in the entrance halls. The city authorities keep the issue under control. But residents of the house also hope for the support of DTEK in the matters of improvements.

The staircases and the front of the entrance halls of house No. 64 have become a few tens of “luxes”* brighter. Here, with the financial support from DTEK, within the project of social and economic development of town Ladyzhyn 5 street LED lights have been also installed and the indoor lighting system has been retrofitted. Now, the light in front of the entrance halls is switched on by the light relay signal, and on each staircase – only by the motion sensor signal. Due to the use of such smart lighting, the house is going save about UAH 6k annually.

The project initiator, the deputy of the Vinnytsya Regional Council Liudmyla Golovashych, is grateful to DTEK for support, because until now, only light from the windows of the residents had been the outdoor lighting in this area.

“We had been planning to install high-quality and efficient lighting near our house and in the entrance halls for a long time. Thanks to the grant from DTEK in the amount of 40 thousand hryvnias we managed to do this,” explains Liudmyla Golovashych. “Now every such modern lighting fixture will save up to 20 kWh of electric power a year, and we have installed 30 such fixtures. The savings are going to be significant. But the most important thing is that we have created comfortable conditions for the residents of house No. 64. Now you feel safer here in the dark winter evenings.”

Currently, all new lighting systems installed in 2017 at the DTEK’s costs are taken onto the books of “Ladzhytloservis” public utility company which will perform their maintenance, including replacement of lighting fixtures having warranty period is 2 years.

“Many projects on reconstruction of the outdoor lighting have been implemented this year in Ladyzhyn. This indicates that this issue is relevant for the community”, explains Oleksii Alekseiev, local authorities relations manager of DTEK Ladyzhynska TPP. “That is why the work in this direction will be continued in 2018. Currently, a joint project of street lighting replacement is being developed in cooperation with the city council of Ladyzhyn, for which DTEK directs 1 million hryvnias.”


*Lux – unit of illumination