In the midst of Ukraine's preparations for upcoming heating season, DTEK Energo machine builders continue to help Ukrainian mines to extract enough coal for the stable thermal power plants operation. In the first five months of 2023, 327 units of mining equipment were manufactured at DTEK Energo machine-building plants, including 10 new roadheaders and shearers, and almost 422,000 spare parts and components.
The support of Ukrainian mines with new and reliable equipment is extremely necessary to maintain stable rates of coal production, and therefore - reliable operation of Ukrainian thermal power plants in autumn and winter. The work front for Ukrainian miners during the war is huge. This year, they planned to launch 28 new longwalls. Thanks to the new equipment, 11 of the planned longwalls were already put in operation in January-May this year.
"Last winter showed the critical importance of heat generation for Ukraine's energy system correct operation. There is an equally difficult challenge ahead, which requires teamwork of all our enterprises - both machine building plants, mines and power plants. We are working to the maximum on our energy front, so that Ukrainians have light and heat during the winter", - concluded Ildar Saleev, CEO of DTEK Energo.
Among the immediate tasks of machine builders is to replace the main ventilation fan at one of the company's mines. Due to the fan large size weight - 105 tons, the final assembly will be carried out during installation at the mine. The equipment provides miners with fresh air and creates comfortable working conditions 24/7. Mine ventilators are compared to lungs, because life is impossible without them. This once again proves that without machine builders involvement, stable work of mines is impossible, and hence - of energy workers as well.