‘According to sociologists, more than 80% of Ukrainians experience high levels of stress due to the war. This is especially true for residents of the regions close to the active combat zone, defenders of the country and veterans returning to civilian life,' said Natalia Abramova, Advisor to the CEO of DTEK Energy, manager of the 'Veterans' project, ’It is important for all of us to maintain our resource status in order to continue working and taking care of our families and friends. That is why our company has an extensive psychological support programme for employees, which includes a network of corporate psychologists, group and individual sessions, and educational activities. We are currently using VR technologies to train production staff and are now moving to a new level where augmented reality technologies will help maintain the mental health of employees.’
‘The story behind the creation of the Luminify by Aspichi psychological programme began with the realisation of the need for new technological solutions in the field of mental health, especially in the face of growing challenges related to stress and anxiety at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. Research on the use of VR technologies in rehabilitation centres has shown that virtual reality can be an effective tool for immersing people in an environment that promotes calmness and emotional recovery due to its high efficiency in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety,’ says Viktor Samoilenko, co-founder and CEO of Aspichi. ‘VR therapy helped people immerse themselves in calm virtual spaces where they could restore their psychological balance through specially designed sessions. The successful effects of veterans' rehabilitation and the positive impact on their mental health were the impetus to expand the use of the technology to other areas. The commercial use of the Luminify psychological programme, as in the DTEK example, allows businesses not only to maintain the mental health of employees but also to provide charitable VR rehabilitation assistance to veterans and other people in need of psychological support,’ adds Viktor Samoilenko.
In a preliminary survey, 85% of employees who joined the programme admitted that they found their work stressful during the war. At the same time, the test confirmed that they had a significant level of anxiety. The second test took place after the employees completed a course of 10 therapy sessions using the Luminify VR programme. The results showed a significant reduction in anxiety and stress levels in the vast majority of the study participants. At the same time, employees noted the comfort of the therapy and its positive effect, and were satisfied with the experience.
The therapy programme using the Luminify VR app is available to all employees of DTEK's coal mines in Dnipro region and expands the psychological assistance and support services available at the company's enterprises.