Home page News Press Releases DTEK ENERGY Mines Have Produced 12.3 Million Tonnes of Coal Since the Beginning of the Year
DTEK ENERGY Mines Have Produced 12.3 Million Tonnes of Coal Since the Beginning of the Year
Thermal power generation05 October 2021
DTEK ENERGY Mines Have Produced 12.3 Million Tonnes of Coal Since the Beginning of the Year

In January–September of this year, DTEK ENERGY mines produced more than 12.3 million tonnes of G grade coal. To ensure stable and continuous production, 22 new longwalls have been put into operation at DTEK ENERGY mines and almost 66 km of mine workings have been processed within 9 months this year.

In September alone, the company’s mines produced more than 1.3 million tonnes of fuel and put 1 new longwall into operation.

In total, this year, the company plans to produce about 17 million tonnes of G-grade coal and put another 8 new longwalls into operation by the end of the year.

‘Our miners and power engineers are doing everything possible and impossible to ensure the stability and continuous operation of the energy system, especially during the upcoming heating season. Thus, in 9 months of 2021 production at 8 operating mines of DTEK Pavlohradcoal increased by 720 thousand tonnes compared to the same period last year. We will mobilize all resources to maximize the supply of fuel. This is especially important in the turbulent and difficult situation, which is observed with record prices for energy resources on the world markets,’ noted Ildar Salieiev, DTEK ENERGY CEO.

As of October 5, coal reserves in the warehouses of DTEK ENERGY TPPs amounted to 604 thousand tonnes. This was achieved both due to own production and replenishment of reserves through imports.
Recently, DTEK ENERGY’s TPPs have increased their load and are operating above the forecast balance. The main reasons are cold snap at the end of September and operation of a significant part of thermal generating facilities using minimum equipment due to the lack of coal. For example, to support the entire energy system, during 20–26 September, DTEK ENERGY’s TPPs increased the load and supplied 532 million kWh of electricity to the grid, which is higher than the forecast balance and 109 million kWh higher than the previous week. The number of units (turbines) in operation during the specified period also increased from 18 to 23. Under this load, more coal was burned than planned.