The labor collective of the Ternivska mine of the Pavlograd mine management has a new, promising front of works. Coal mining began here from the 803rd lava on the new block of formation C8. About 3 million tons of thermal coal are concentrated here. At least 11 benches are planned to be prepared on the C8 formation on Ternivska Street. This will ensure stable operation for the company for the next five years.
- Now we have an important task ahead of us - to work the first bench on the new block of formation C8 without interruption. Its further operation depends on how well we will work. Especially since in part of this minefield, we expect good quality coal production. Therefore, we will try to work effectively to ensure a significant contribution to Ukraine's energy independence, ”said Yevhen Tkachenko, Head of Mining at the DTEK SHU Pavlogradske.
The new 803 lava is located at a depth of 175 m. Its length is 220 m, coal reserves are about 270 thousand tons. The team of the G7 coal mining site under the leadership of Oleksandr Lapenko is working on this treatment face. In order for the miners to be able to work smoothly in the new bench, DTEK has invested over UAH 50 million in its equipment. With these funds, overhaul and modernization of treatment equipment - sections of the mechanized complex 1KD80.55.
- We are "pioneers" in a new layer. And we understand what responsibility lies on our shoulders. Therefore, they were preparing thoroughly for the launch of the first bench. Checked for serviceability and repaired all the necessary cleaning equipment, made sure of the availability of working materials, equipped the slaughterhouse with appropriate equipment. And now we are ready to extract the coal necessary for the country and provide them with our thermal power plants. To make Ukraine independent of imported resources, ”said Oleksandr Lapenko, Head of the DTEK Pavlogradske Coal Mining Department.