In the midst of the heating season, employees of DTEK Energy's machine-building plants continue to provide the Ukrainian underground mines with equipment they need and help them produce coal.
DTEK Energy's mechanical engineers produced 11 new shearers and 916 thousand spare parts to ensure stable operation of Ukrainian mines.
In January to November of this year, the company's machine-building companies manufactured and repaired 1,066 units of mining equipment. Among them are 11 new roadheaders and shearers. The mechanical engineers also supplied 916,000 spare parts and components to meet the needs of miners.
DTEK Energy's mechanical engineers produced 11 new shearers and 916 thousand spare parts to ensure stable operation of Ukrainian mines.
‘The more reliable and stronger the energy front is, the less chances the enemy has to succeed in its plan to plunge Ukrainians into darkness. To prevent this, power engineers, repairmen, miners and mechanical engineers are working non-stop. Our machine-building companies also feel responsible to every Ukrainian. They are doing everything possible to meet the needs of miners for the necessary equipment and thus maintain the reliability of thermal generation during the hard winter,' said CEO of DTEK Energy Oleksandr Fomenko.