Home page News Press Releases DTEK Energy calls on the government to jointly solve the problem at Luhansk thermal power plant.
DTEK Energy calls on the government to jointly solve the problem at Luhansk thermal power plant.
Thermal power generation30 November 2021

DTEK Energy is concerned about the unreliable and panic statements of certain politicians regarding the work of Luhansk TPP that functions under conditions of big infrastructure and political challenges in the region.

The plant is the largest producer of electrical energy in Luhansk Oblast and the only producer of thermal energy for consumers in the city of Shchastia. The supply of power for companies and infrastructure objects of strategic importance, schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, etc., as well as heat supply to residents of Shchastia city, depends on its reliable operation. Since 2014, DTEK Luhanska TPP has been operating under the conditions of an energy island due to the destruction of the main power lines. The only way to deliver coal to the plant is by rail from the territory of the Russian Federation since no railroad connections to Luhanska TPP are available through the territory under the control of the Ukrainian government.

As of November 1, 2021, the Russian Federation has blocked the supply of energy coal to Ukraine. To save fuel and keep the company running continuously, the plant was switched to a single-unit operation. By the end of October, DTEK Energy managed to increase coal volumes for the plant's operation for 1.5 months. However, until the restrictions on the supply of coal to Ukraine are not removed by the Russian Federation, the station will not be able to replenish its reserves. As of November 30, plant reserves amounted to 38 thousand tons of coal; with one unit running, this coal will be enough for 16 days.

Under conditions of no coal supply to TPP, the plant has the technical capacity to switch to natural gas, since the plant's priority is to provide a stable supply of energy and heat in the region. But that is impossible without government support in terms of the feasibility and sustainability of natural gas projects.

Starting from the first day of restrictions on coal supply, we appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy, NEURC and other authorities to take decisions that would allow plants to receive gas at an economically viable price. Nevertheless, although Luhanska TPP has a social function in the region, the final decision has not yet been made.

We urge all political forces and power structures to unite in finding a solution for Luhanska TPP issue instead of making accusations.