During the heating season, the power engineers of DTEK Energy completed another major repair and put the generating unit at one of the company's TPPs into the power system. This is one of those units that was seriously damaged by massive enemy attacks last heating season.
The capacity added to the grid is already in operation, and its load is planned to be increased to 150 MW shortly.
Thus, to date, DTEK Energy has carried out 24 repairs of generating units at the company TPPs within its annual scheduled repair campaign.
Updated capacities allow for an increase in the thermal generation during the heating season.
Power engineers continue to do their best to maintain the reliability of the power system given the enemy’s energy terror so that Ukrainians have electricity and heating in their homes.
To read more about how DTEK Energy is preparing for and getting through the heating season follow the link: Preparing for the Autumn-Winter Season (dtek.com)