In the high heating season, DTEK Energy contracted an additional 30,000 tonnes of imported coal from Poland.
Thus, the total volume of imported fuel contracted by the company for the entire autumn-winter season increased to 400,000 tonnes. 268,000 tonnes of which have already been delivered to Ukraine. This allows us to better ensure the reliability of thermal generation and the Ukrainian power grid, especially during peak electricity consumption.
"There are still more than two months until the end of the heating season. Therefore, we are strengthening the energy "front" from both sides. On the one side, we maximize production at our own mines. This is a priority for us. In January, we put two new longwalls into operation, and we plan to put three more in February. On the other side, we accumulate an additional "factor of safety" with imported fuel. We have already delivered 2/3 of the planned amount, and we are continuing to deliver. The main thing for all of us is that Ukrainians continue to have electricity and heat," said Ildar Salieiev, DTEK Energy CEO.
To read more about how DTEK Energy is preparing for and getting through the heating season follow the link: Preparing for the Autumn-Winter Season (dtek.com)