Deliveries continue regularly, because, within the contracted volumes, the Company plans to import 177,000 more tonnes of steam coal by the end of the autumn-winter season.
“In recent days, the load on the energy system has also increased significantly due to the cold weather. This is especially true for thermal generation, which balances it with its flexible capacities during peaks in electricity consumption. Thus, we took care to not only provide Thermal Power Plants with in-house coal in advance, which is always a priority for us, but also secure ourselves with import supplies. This will help maintain the reliability of thermal generation and the energy system so that Ukrainians have power and heart throughout the entire winter”, Ildar Saleev, CEO of DTEK Energy said.
To read more about how DTEK Energy is preparing for and getting through the heating season follow the link: Preparing for the Autumn-Winter Season (dtek.com)