With the start of the heating season, DTEK Energy's machine-building enterprises continue to work hard to provide Ukrainian miners with the needed mining equipment.
To ensure Ukraine's safety throughout the autumn-winter season, machine- builders have manufactured and repaired 695 units of mining equipment in the first ten months of this year. Among the key items, 14 new roadheaders and coal harvesters were produced. In addition, almost 931,000 spare parts and components were provided to Ukrainian miners.
Thanks to the work of machine- builders, miners continue to extract coal to the maximum capacity and maintain the necessary fuel reserves for the reliable operation of Ukrainian thermal power plants and the Ukrainian energy system as a whole.
"Since the beginning of the war, it has historically happened that Ukrainians see only power engineers on the energy frontline. But there are also those whose work is less visible, but no less important. These are miners and machinebuilders. After all, thermal power plants, especially during the difficult heating season, need to be provided with enough coal. To achieve this, all the needs of coal-mining enterprises in mining equipment must be met in full. We are doing everything possible to fulfil them," Ildar Saleev, the CEO of DTEK Energy, said.