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DTEK ENERGY’s Bilozerska Mine Summed Up Its Seven-Month Results
Thermal power generation13 August 2021
DTEK ENERGY’s Bilozerska Mine Summed Up Its Seven-Month Results

Since the beginning of the year, the Bilozerska Mine has launched its 7th southern longwall with more than 1.5 million tonnes of coal reserves. Another longwall with coal reserves exceeding million tonnes is being prepared to be put into operation in November. DTEK ENERGY invested UAH 195 million into the modernization and upgrade of production facilities during the seven months period.

Coal production at the mine started at the end of April when the 7th southern longwall was commissioned. Since the beginning of the year, the Bilozerska Mine has already brought to grass over 215 thousand tonnes of coal. Simultaneously, 2,408 meters of mine workings have been prepared, which was almost one kilometre more than during the same period of the last year.

This year, the company has been carrying out large-scale overhauls. The stay leg of the headframe of the main shaft was replaced in order to strengthen its durability. DTEK invested UAH 9.8 million in these jobs. Now the mine is preparing to replace the loading device with a faster and more powerful one to increase the shaft capacity and safely deliver up to 1.7 million tonnes of coal per year to the surface.

The conveyor chain on Slope 1 of the 18 seam has been upgraded, and now it transports coal from the existing longwall and will be used for transportation of coal from the future 8th north and 8th southern longwalls.

‘Today’s situation in the energy sectors shows that Ukraine needs coal. Our company works to step up coal production and meet its commitments to supply fuel to Ukrainian thermal power plants to support the country’s energy system. DTEK ENERGY, as a reliable and responsible company, invests in the modernization of equipment and the commissioning of new longwalls. This year, we plan to produce about 800 thousand tonnes of coal from two longwalls, and next year we have an intention to increase the production volume up to 1.7 million tonnes,’ commented Vitalii Vilkhovyi, Director of the Bilozerska Mine.

DTEK ENERGY, as a responsible employer, invested UAH 8.3 million in the improvement of workplace amenities at its undertakings. In seven months, the company completely renovated about 1,500 m2 of premises. The renovation of the administrative and amenities building was completed: the roof and windows were replaced, and offices were repaired.