Our business Electric power generation by PJSC “DTEK Zakhidenergo”
It is one of the largest Ukrainian electric power and heat producers. Electric power produced by the company is supplied to the Ukrainian consumers and exported to the European countries.
The structure of DTEK Zakhidenergo includes Burshtynska TPP, Ladyzhynska TPP, Dobrotvirska TPP, and service companies Galremenergo, Lvivenergospetsremont, Lvivenergoavtotrans, and Zakhidenergopostavka.
DTEK Zakhidenergo is the third largest energy-generating company in Ukraine with installed capacity of 4,707.5 MW, which is about 14.2% of the total capacity of the country’s electric power industry. DTEK Zakhidenergo holds one of the leading places among the thermal generation companies by volume of electric power production.
DTEK together with its affiliated companies holds 70.91% of the shares of PJSC DTEK Zakhidenergo.
General Director – Andrii Shuvar.
- Tariffs
- General information
- For consumers
- Investment programme
- Contacts
Ladyzhynska TPP
- General information
Investment programme
Ukraine, 79026, Lviv,
Kozelnytska str. 15
Tel.: 38 0322 3907 10
Fax: 38 0322 3907 17